What is the Commodity Exchange?

They are organized organizations in which the prices of agricultural and animal products (including those processed) are based on supply and demand, and the prices are registered and announced.

In this respect, Commodity Exchanges; In the formation of an efficient functioning market mechanism, determination of the real value of the products, ensuring the stability of price movements, trading on reliable prices, the establishment of the balance between national and international markets, they have to fulfill the functions of registration and purchase of these exchanges is of great importance. The main reason for the registration process; The announcement of purchases and sales and prices ensures the transparency of the market and the awareness of all concerned by providing healthy, safe and sufficient information to all buyers and sellers and authorities about product and price movements in the market.


Within this, the sales and purchases, those who make them, the amount and prices should be determined, checked and recorded, should be registered in the language of the stock market. Therefore, registration of transactions is one of the main activities of stock exchanges.


Registration in Stock Exchanges:

The word registration means saving. It is called 'registration' of the registration of the transaction by the parties after the purchase and sale of the goods which are treated in the stock exchange among the persons. Registration is a tariff determined by the board of directors of the stock exchange and entered into force following its approval by the stock exchange council and is subject to a fee. Registration fee is an important source of income for exchanges. The registration of the product in the stock market, as it provides the public to create prices as well as the document layout is instrumental in registering the informal economy and increases the tax revenue of the state. The fact that transactions are not registered in the stock exchanges is very closely related to the existence and viability of the stock exchanges. The registration of transactions and the announcement of prices are given a special place in Articles 34, 50, 52, 53 and 54 of the Law no. 5590 and the details are discussed in the bylaws and regulations. In spite of this sensitivity and meticulousness shown by the legislator, a significant portion of the wholesale trades on stock exchange items are not registered in the stock exchanges and goods and price movements are not adequately monitored. Therefore, the leakage of registration comes up.

The main reason for this is that our existing stock exchanges do not have sufficient infrastructure and equipment and personnel to prevent registration leakage. Other reasons; The failure to register all or all of the wholesale purchases made on stock exchange items that should be brought to the stock exchange in places where there is a stock exchange, or a significant portion affecting the market results from the fact that the gains arising from these purchases are kept and the registration fee to be paid to the stock exchange is not paid. As a matter of fact, a series of measures have been taken since stock market registration and the type, quality, quantity and special conditions of the products treated by the buyer are recorded and recorded, although a number of measures have been taken. In order to increase the activities of the stock exchanges, to prevent registration leakage and to contribute to the content, the income tax general communiqués no. 50% withholding tax.


Withholding of 50% of withholding tax, the saving of trade gains arising from trade was eliminated to a certain extent, thus the products were passed through the stock exchange and registered for trade.

Commodity exchanges have expanded their fields of activity by combining the revenues obtained from registration fees and other revenues by opening branches where they deem necessary within their fields of activity, and have completed their physical infrastructure for purchase and sale and have started selling salons. In order to make the registration in stock exchanges sufficiently, it may be possible to convince them of the benefit of registration by organizing meetings that will make the stock exchange members more conscious by acting more effectively than exchanging police measures.